Browsing by Researcher/Guide Natesan, N
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
2-Feb-2017 | Administrative and leadership behaviour of school heads in chennai as related to institutional climate and teacher morale | Rangan, Indira S | Natesan, N |
2-Feb-2017 | Personality teaching profession perception teaching competency and academic performance of secondary grade teacher students | Lawrence, Beulah Thangam G | Natesan, N |
2-Feb-2017 | Remedial intervention in the english language usage for students of standard xi an experiment | Singh, Shashi Swaran | Natesan, N |
2-Feb-2017 | Spiritual intervention as remedial and enrichment support to the learning of chemistry at the higher secondary level | Singaravel, T O | Natesan, N |
2-Feb-2017 | Teaching human values to students of standard ix an experiment | Reddy, K Jayaprakash | Natesan, N |