Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nalini, R
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
26-Jun-2018 | Bullying in the academic workplace a study in the union territory of Puducherry | Jerry Richards, I | Nalini, R |
7-Apr-2016 | Compatritive study of the aquisition of english language skills by class XI students studying through the state board the CBSC curricula | Nalini, R | Dr Balasubramanian, P S |
12-Apr-2019 | Emotional violence on school going adolescents a study with special reference to Thrissur district Kerala | Ishitha, E.K. | Nalini, R |
17-Jul-2014 | Factors influencing quality of life of tribal unwed mothers a study in Wayanad District Kerala | Praveen, C S | Nalini, R |
24-May-2016 | Impact of foreign trade and aid on development_with special reference to India | Nalini, R | Lakshman, U N |