Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nair G M

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
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27-Jul-2017Biological and molecular evaluation of accessions of Coscinium fenestratum Gaertn Colebr in vitro synthesis of berberine and its antibacterial and cytotoxic evaluationNarasimhan SNair G M
24-Jul-2017Characterization and Micropropagation of Selected Species of Dioscorea in Southern Western GhatsAsha K INair G M
27-Jan-2017Clonal Propagation and Analysis of Purity of Regenerants Using Molecular Markers in Garlic Alium sativum LAsha Devi ANair G M
23-May-2017Collection Conservation and Evaluation of the Medicinal properties of Naregamia alata W ArnSheela Mary XavierNair G M
17-Aug-2017In Vitro Studies In Chilli Pepper Capsicum Annuum L Micropropagation Organogenesis And Cytochemistry Of The Organogenetic Callus And Somaclonal VariantsSoniya E VNair G M
21-Feb-2017Micropropagation experimental induction and exploitation of ajmalicine a medicinally important indole alkaloid in in vitro cultures of Catharanthus roseus L G Don ApocynaceaeNajeema Beevi P ANair G M
21-Feb-2017Tissue culture and molecular studies in oryza species for conservation and Germplasm characterizationJaseela PNair G M
10-Apr-2017Tissue culture and transformation studies for the exploitation of secondary metabolites in Indigofera tinctoria LinnRubin Jose A SNair G M
10-Apr-2017Tissue culture studies for exploitation of secondary metabolites in Neem Azadirachta indica A JussVidhu Sankar BabuNair G M
10-Apr-2017Tissue culture studies for induction of Sodium Chloride Salinity tolerance in Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv SakthiShaji JohnNair G M
21-Feb-2017Tissue culture studies in Arachis hypogaea L and Vigna unguiculata L Walp for micropropagation and cell line selection for amino acidElizabeth ThomasNair G M
10-Apr-2017Tissue culture studies in Rauwolfia serpentina Benth ApocynaceaeRemesh Kumar SNair G M
27-Jan-2017Tissue culture studies in Solanum melongena Brinjal Biochemical and cytological basis of somaclonal variations in the regenerated plantsBeena LawrenceNair G M