Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nagan S

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
21-Aug-2014Assessment of the climate responsive architecture of traditional houses of warm humid climate zone a case study of chettinadu dwellings of TamilnaduRadhakrishnan SNagan S
24-Feb-2014Durability and flexural behaviour of fly ash based geopolymer concrete beamsKannapiran KNagan S
25-Jul-2013Experimental investigation on effective replacement of cement and fine aggregate by copper slag and its application to reduce seismic earth pressureBrindha DNagan S
12-Feb-2014An experimental investigation on utilization of grounded waste e plastic as filler material in concreteLakshmi RNagan S
4-Jun-2024Flood frequency analysis of vaigai riverRamasamy MNagan S
2-Jul-2013Groundwater quality modeling of Amaravathi river basin of Karur district, Tamil nadu, using visual ModflowRajamanickam RNagan S
1-Apr-2020Hybrid Optimization Control of Tuned Liquid Column Damper in Framed StructureSalsala AbubakerNagan S
27-Aug-2014Impact of landuse on environmental quality due to urbanization a case study tirumangalam taluk MaduraiKanagalakshmi A SNagan S
27-Jun-2013Inflow and sediment yield modeling of Vaigai reservoir using analytical and neural network approachBaskaran TNagan S
31-Oct-2023Investigation of strength and durability of fly ash based geopolymer concrete using recycled aggregate with silica fumeKannan S P MNagan S
2-Jul-2013Studies on the decontamination of industrially polluted Orathupalayam dam sediments using bioremediation techniquesSamuel Rajkumar ANagan S