Browsing by Researcher/Guide Nadkarni, G B

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
30-Jan-2017Immobilization of enzymes using whole cells and cellular organellesGodbole, S SNadkarni, G B
23-Jun-2023Immobilized D amino acid oxidase of Trigonopsis varaiabilisDeshpande, AshwiniNadkarni, G B
30-Jun-2023Immobilized two enzyme system for lactose hydrolysis and preservation of milkKaul, RajniNadkarni, G B
20-Nov-2023Lysosomal functions during protein starvationNinjoor, VyasarayaNadkarni, G B
8-Jan-2024Protein Protein interactions in rapidly dividing cellsPawse, A RNadkarni, G B
23-Jun-2023Radiation effects on blood protein interactionsChanderkar, Latika PNadkarni, G B
23-Nov-2023Radiation induced structural alterations in myoglobinPaul, PushpaNadkarni, G B
20-Jul-2023Regulation of arginine dihydrolase pathway in Clostridium sporogenesVenugopalan, VNadkarni, G B
17-Apr-2017Regulation of fructose_1 6_diphosphate aldolase in Lactobacillus caseiKaklij, G SNadkarni, G B
11-Aug-2023Regulatory enzymes of carbohydrate metabolismKelkar, S MNadkarni, G B
29-Dec-2023Studies on biogenesis of aflatoxinSharma, Arun KumarNadkarni, G B
16-Jan-2024Studies on biogenesis of aflatoxinSharma, Arun KumarNadkarni, G B
8-Mar-2024Studies on muscle proteins of Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereusBalakrishna Warrier, SNadkarni, G B
23-Sep-2024Studies on muscle proteins of Bombay Duck Harpodon nehereusBalakrishna Warrier, SNadkarni, G B
17-Nov-2023Studies on phosphoglucose isomerase from Lactobacillus caseiPradhan, P GNadkarni, G B
28-Dec-2023Studies on phosphoproteinsSankaran, KNadkarni, G B
28-Jun-2023Studies on soft rot in stored potato solanum tuberosum LGhanekar, Ashok SadashivNadkarni, G B
17-Jan-2024Studies on tissue lysozymesRaghunathan, RNadkarni, G B
26-Dec-2023Surface alterations during differentiation in Bacillus licheniformisGore, Manohar SNadkarni, G B
30-Jun-2023The interaction of radiation degradation products of polyprenoids with biomembranesBhushan, BrijNadkarni, G B