Browsing by Researcher/Guide Myrboh, Bekington
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
6-May-2021 | Development of new methods for the synthesis of organic compounds using selenium dioxide | Shangpliang, O. Risuklang | Myrboh, Bekington |
21-Aug-2017 | Ethnobotanical studies and phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants of senapati district manipur | Pfoze, Neli Lokho | Myrboh, Bekington |
21-Oct-2015 | Part A: Synthetic studies on polarized ketoketen_S S_acetals; Part B: synthetic studies on lead IV acetate oxidations | Myrboh, Bekington | Junjappa, H |