Browsing by Researcher/Guide Murugesan, V

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
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30-Sep-2024A circular economy framework for end of life vehicle management in indiaMurugesan, VBaskaran, R
30-Sep-2024A circular economy framework for end of life vehicle management in indiaMurugesan, VBaskaran, R
4-Mar-2016A study of the kinetics of oxidation of styryl ketones by pyridinium chlorochromate and of substituent effects on their 1H NMR and infrared frequenciesMurugesan, VNadar, P Ananthakrishna
4-Mar-2016Aluminophosphate based molecular sieves characterisation and catalytic applicationsKannan, CMurugesan, V
4-Mar-2016Defluoridation of ground water activated carbon prepared from agricultural wastesSivabalan, RMurugesan, V
10-Mar-2016Environmental planning and management a study of environmental issues in leather industry and a blueprint for sustainable growthPrabakaran, PMurugesan, V
31-Oct-2014Investigation of ortho carboxylic acid effect in ullmann reaction of halothiophenes and halobenzenesGovindarajan, K RMurugesan, V
4-Mar-2016Microporous and mesoporous aluminophosphate based molecular sieves synthesis characterisation and catalytic performanceRajesh, BMurugesan, V
10-Mar-2016Photocatalytic degradation of leather dyes in aqueous solution using solar UV illuminated TiO2 Zno2 catalystSakthivel, SMurugesan, V
4-Mar-2016Photocatalytic degradation of textile dyes in aqueous solution using solar and uv irradiationNeppolian, BMurugesan, V
10-Mar-2016Pore size engineering and characterisation of modified SBA 1 SBA 15 MCM 41 and mesoporous carbon molecular sieves a study of protein adsorptionVinu, AMurugesan, V
18-Mar-2016Quinolinium fluorochromate and quinolinium bromochromate new reagents for the oxidation of organic compounds synthetic and kinetic studiesPandurangan, AMurugesan, V
4-Mar-2016Removal of phenolics from wastewater by activated carbon prepared from agricultural wastesRengara, SMurugesan, V
7-May-2018Role of asanas and concentrative meditation in facilitating the emotional intelligence anxiety and value perception among Coastal area studentsMurugesan, VBala Subramanian, K
10-Mar-2016Substituted aluminophosphate molecular sieves synthesis characterisation and catalytic studiesElangovan, SPMurugesan, V
17-Oct-2014Synthesis of fine chemicals over lewis acid metal ion exchanged meapo 5 molecular sievesGopalakrishnan, SMurugesan, V
17-Dec-2013A systematic study of the photocatalytic degradation of model pollutants by employing supported and doped TiO2 and ZnOAnandan, SMurugesan, V
10-Mar-2016Treatability studies and evalution of biokinetic parameters for tannery wastesElangovan, RMurugesan, V
10-Mar-2016Zeolite based catalytic reactions for fine chemical synthesisCheralathan, KKMurugesan, V