Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mulimani, Aravind A
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
24-Jul-2014 | Application of GIS in periodic markets analysis a case study of Haveri district | Belgaum, Mubeen S | Mulimani, Aravind A |
5-Oct-2016 | Development of marketing of fishery resources of Goa | Jakati, Dadapir Moulasab | Mulimani, Aravind A |
5-Oct-2016 | Rural settlement system of Goa | Shrinivas, Godugu | Mulimani, Aravind A |
6-Oct-2016 | Spatial analysis of traditional and non traditional market place exchange a case study of Raichur district | Mulimani, Aravind A | Hugar, S I |
5-Oct-2016 | The spatial and hierarchical orders of growth centres of Goa | Morakar, Prakask R | Mulimani, Aravind A |