Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mukherjee, Pampa
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
11-Apr-2016 | Common property resources institutions and caste conflicts a study of Punjab | Dhanda, Rajeev | Mukherjee, Pampa |
31-Dec-2013 | Environmental crisis, protests and the role of local level institutions: a comparative study of forest areas of Almora and Midnapore districts | Mukherjee, Pampa | Mathur, Kuldeep |
6-Mar-2024 | Fluctuating identity and host refugee dynamics a study of Tibetan refugee community in Dharamsala | Condrolli, Swati | Mukherjee, Pampa |
24-Feb-2016 | Mahasweta Debir upannase itihash O rajniti _ ekti samikkha | Mukherjee, Pampa | Bandopadhyay, Anindita |
9-Oct-2020 | Role of state market and community in groundwater governance a study of Punjab | Bala, Rajni | Mukherjee, Pampa |
11-Oct-2017 | Studies on multinuclear transition metal complexes | Mukherjee, Pampa | Ghosh, Ashutosh |
7-Aug-2020 | Urban migrants in Ludhiana city a study of community identity leadership and politics | Thapa, Suraj | Mukherjee, Pampa |