Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mukherjee, Biswajit

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
3-Jan-2024Design and development of ligand conjugated biodegradable nanoparticles containing paclitaxel to target prostate cancer cellsIman EhsanMukherjee, Biswajit
3-Jan-2024Development of cell specific aptamer conjugated nanoliposomes for the delivery of apigenin to target hepatocellular carcinomaMoumita DharaMukherjee, Biswajit
13-Apr-2022Development of nanoscale liposomal targeted delivery of an anticancer agentSatapathy, Bhabani SankarMukherjee, Biswajit
18-Jan-2022Development of nanosize lipid based vesicular delivery system of zidovudine to cross blood brain barrierDutta, LopamudraMukherjee, Biswajit
13-Apr-2022Development of tamoxifen citrate loaded nanoliposome for targeting breast cancer cellsDey, Niladri ShekharMukherjee, Biswajit
21-Jun-2024Fabrication of a biodegradable polymeric nanostructural carrier mediated target specific drug delivery system for the treatment of lung cancerKumari, LeenaMukherjee, Biswajit
18-Dec-2022Fabrication of different flavonoid loaded ligand conjugated nanoparticles to target lung cancerSen, RamkrishnaMukherjee, Biswajit
2-Sep-2024Insulin_like Growth Factor II IGF II phosphorothioate antisense Oligomers Search for a Potential Future Drug of Liver CancerGhosh, Miltu KumarMukherjee, Biswajit
19-Jan-2022Nanoparticle based apigenin delivery intended to control hepatocellular carcinomaBhattacharya, SanchariMukherjee, Biswajit
18-Feb-2023Non grass phytolith spectra of the Darjeeling and Arunachal Himalayas and their ecological significanceMukherjee, BiswajitBera, Subir
1-Jun-2018Preparation and characterization of Tamoxifen Citrate loaded Phosphotidyl Ethanolamine PE conjugated nanoparticle for breast cancer therapyMaji, RumaMukherjee, Biswajit
18-Jan-2022Pulmonary delivery of mucoadhesive nanoparticles of an antifungal agent using nebulizer or dry powder inhalerPaul, ParamitaMukherjee, Biswajit
28-Mar-2023Resistance to empire the postcolonial position of the translator of select texts of rabindranath tagore and sunil gangopadhyayMukherjee, BiswajitHui, Baisali
14-Feb-2022Targeted delivery of Doxorubicin to breast Cancer cells by using antibody conjugated nanoparticles as drug carrierMondal, LaboniMukherjee, Biswajit