Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mohanty, Kaustubha

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
26-Apr-2023Co2 sequestration using microalga scenedesmus obliquus sa1 isolated from bio diversity hotspot region of assamBasu, SamarpitaMohanty, Kaustubha
28-Nov-2022Glycerol and d glucose valorization to biorenewable platform chemicals by waste red mud derived catalystsDas, BikaksbinduMohanty, Kaustubha
28-Nov-2022Phenol degradation by free and immobilized bacterial consortia isolated from crude oil contaminated sites of assam indiaBera, SounakMohanty, Kaustubha
21-Apr-2023Preparation of bio waste derived heterogeneous catalysts for methanolysis and peroxidation reactionsSahu, HimadriMohanty, Kaustubha
25-Nov-2022Pyrolysis of biomass and plastic into renewable fuel and value added chemicalsMishra, Ranjeet KumarMohanty, Kaustubha
16-May-2023Simultaneous production of ethanol and hydrogen from agricultural waste and forest residues available in north east indiaSasmal, SoumyaMohanty, Kaustubha
18-May-2023Studies on bioreduction of cr vi using environmentally significant microorganismsMurugavelh, S.Mohanty, Kaustubha
28-Nov-2022Sustainable way of producing biodiesel using oleaginous tetradesmus obliquus kmc24Roy, MadonnaMohanty, Kaustubha
12-May-2023Thermal catalytic and co conversion of non edible oil seeds to pyrolytic oilShadangi, Krushna PrasadMohanty, Kaustubha
12-Feb-2024To BE PUBLISHEDSarma, Pranab JyotiMohanty, Kaustubha
6-Jan-2023To be publishedMishra, SanjeevMohanty, Kaustubha
5-Aug-2024To BE PUBLISHEDAgarwalla, AnkitMohanty, Kaustubha