Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mohan, Dinesh

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
17-Dec-2024Development of magnetic and nonmagnetic activated Carbons for the removal and recovery of Nitrophenols from WaterSarswat, AnkurMohan, Dinesh
16-Dec-2024Development of magnetic and nonmagnetic activated Carbons for the removal and recovery of Nitrophenols from WaterSarswat, AnkurMohan, Dinesh
3-Jul-2024Engineered mg al biochar composites for sorptive removal of pharmaceuticals from WaterChaubey, Abhishek KumarMohan, Dinesh
27-Sep-2022Equilibrium Uptake Sorption Dynamics and Process Optimization for the Removal and Recovery of Toxic Metals from Contaminated Water using Low Cost BiosorbentsRupaMohan, Dinesh
26-Jul-2024Groundwater quality assessment in the Rohtak District of Haryana and its defluoridation with sustainable BiocharKishor, KamalMohan, Dinesh
29-Nov-2022Major Ions Chemistry of Groundwater in Eastern Equatoria State South Sudan and Remediation of Contaminants Using Locally Available BiosorbentsKut, Kwai Malak KwaiMohan, Dinesh
21-Oct-2024Major ions chemistry of groundwater in eastern equatoria state South Sudan and remediation of contaminants using locally available BiosorbentsKut, Kwai Malak KwaiMohan, Dinesh
20-Oct-2023Sorptive Removal of Carbofuran and 24 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 24 D Pesticides from Water Using Sustainable Biochars Derived from Agricultural ByproductsVimal,VineetMohan, Dinesh
20-Oct-2023Sorptive Removal of Carbofuran and 24 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 24 D Pesticides from Water Using Sustainable Biochars Derived from Agricultural ByproductsVimal,VineetMohan, Dinesh
19-Sep-2023Synthesis and Characterization of Al Fe Oxide Biochar Composites Applications in Aqueous Fluoride RemediationKumar, HemantMohan, Dinesh