Browsing by Researcher/Guide Moghe, S G
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
6-Dec-2023 | A critical edition of the vivada candra of misaru misra | Moholkar, Parvati S | Moghe, S G |
19-Dec-2024 | Imamsa in the bhagawanta bhaskara of nilakantha | Velankar, H D | Moghe, S G |
8-Mar-2024 | Mimamsa in medhatithi with reference to his commentary on the manu smrti | Joshi, A R | Moghe, S G |
8-Mar-2024 | Mimamsa in medhatithi with reference to his commentary on the manu smrti | Joshi, A R | Moghe, S G |
2-Jan-2024 | Mimamsa in the bhagwanta bhaskara of nilakantha | Moghe, S G | Velankar, H D |
17-Sep-2024 | The constellation rohini in the sanskrit literature | Dandekar, Hemalata A | Moghe, S G |