Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mete, Jayanta

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3-May-2019A comparative study of the relative effectiveness of Inductive Thinking Model ITM and Advanced Organiger Model AOM in teaching chemistry at the higher secondary level under two different boards councilsMondal, Bhim ChandraMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019A study of creativity among the school going boys and girls of the backward communities in relation to their socio economic status level of aspiration and academic achievementSeikh, Hazarat AliMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019A study of the aspects and agencies empowering women through education with special references to Sarbo Shiksha AbijanGhosh, BirajlakshmiMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019A study on some linguistic and psychological determinants of the achievement of the secondary students of TripuraSen, PurbaMete, Jayanta
3-May-2019A study on the educational political socio economic and environmental awareness of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of the Burdwan District of West BengalGhosh, Sanat KumarMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019A study on the growth and development of Madrasa education in West Bengal and its impact on the Muslim communitySen, NabanitaMete, Jayanta
3-May-2019A study on the history of the development of English education during British period in IndiaDas, Nabanita BanerjeeMete, Jayanta
21-Jan-2016A study on the history of the development of English education during british period in IndiaBanerjee Das, NabanitaMete, Jayanta
26-Jul-2024Academic achievement of students in education at under graduate level with reference to some social variablesPatra, Jyoti NarayanMete, Jayanta
3-May-2019Ameliorating the teaching learning of common fractions in Bengali medium schools of West Bengal A survey cum experimental studyMaiti, Tapan KumarMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019An investigation into the socialistic components in present Indian education systemBasak, Nishith KumarMete, Jayanta
11-Jul-2024Attitude of muslim parents towards girls education with reference to socio economic status and locational variance in murshidabad district west bengalBiswas, ChaitaliMete, Jayanta
26-Jul-2024Attitude towards sanskrit and english of the upper primary students in relation to their academic achievementGain, PrahlladMete, Jayanta
6-Aug-2024Awareness of fundamental rights and duties and its practices by the student teachers of b ed colleges in west bengalRakshit, SomdyutiMete, Jayanta
18-Feb-2023Causes of anxienty in geometry among the students of secondary schools and evolving a strategy fot its minimizationKarmakar, KasturiMete, Jayanta
13-Dec-2022Causes of anxiety in geometry among the students of secondary schools and evolving a strategy for its minimizationKarmakar, KasturiMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019Classroom climates in secondary schools in West Bengal under different types of management and their relationship with some aspects pupil growth A comparative studyChakraborty, KingshukMete, Jayanta
17-Feb-2023Education and empowerment of muslim women in the district of murshidabad and birbhum west bengalSalma, NuresMete, Jayanta
8-Jul-2016Education and empowerment of muslim women in West BengalTalukdar Das, SarmilaMete, Jayanta
2-May-2019Education and society in tribal area of Tripura With special reference to socio economic status level of aspiration attitude and awareness towards education of different classes of peopleModak, BhabaniMete, Jayanta