Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mehra, P N

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21-Apr-2016Comparative anatomy of some coniferous timber trees in the Eastern HimalayasJain, Kulbhushan KumarMehra, P N
5-May-2016Cytological and embryological studies in the genus euphorbia L euphorbiaceaeParkash, SantMehra, P N
18-Apr-2016Cytological investigations in some grasses of north eastern India festucoids ischaemum linn eulalia kunth and saccharum spontaneum linnPrakash, O mMehra, P N
18-Apr-2016Cytological investigations in some grasses of north eastern India tribes andropogoneae arundineae oryzeae arundinelleae chlorideae eragrosteae and sporoboleaeKalia, VipanMehra, P N
21-Apr-2016Cytological investigations in the orchidaceae of Khasi and Jaintia hillsNath, RavinderMehra, P N
15-Apr-2016Cytological investigations on grasses of the tribes paniceae and maydeae of north eastern IndiaDev, JaiMehra, P N
5-May-2016Cytological investigations on some conifers and natural polyploids in some angiospermsKhoshoo, T NMehra, P N
18-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies in hepaticae with particular reference to marchantialesKachroo, PMehra, P N
5-May-2016Cytomorphological studies in some Himalayan mossesKhanna, Kuldip RajMehra, P N
4-May-2016Cytomorphological studies in some Indian members of thelypteridaceae and the genus dryopterisLoyal, D SMehra, P N
19-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies in the families aspleniaceae blechnaceae and vittariaceaeBir, Sarmukh SinghMehra, P N
19-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies in the North West Himalayan woody elements with special reference to species of timber importance families combretaceae juglandaceae Bentham and Hooker 1862 to 1883Gill, Bhagat SinghMehra, P N
15-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies of some woody elements of the eastern Himalayas with particular reference to their ecology and forestry importance families leguminosae rosaceae and proteaceae salicaeae Hooker 1872 to 1885Singh, AmarMehra, P N
18-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies of the west Himalayan woody species with special reference to trees of timber importance families magnoliaceae saxifragaceae cupuliferae and salicaceae bentham and hooker 1862 to 1883Singh, TirlochanMehra, P N
5-May-2016Cytomorphological studies of woody elements of some families of polypetalae of Darjeeling and Khasia and Jaintia hills with special reference to the trees of forestry importanceKhosla, Prem KumarMehra, P N
19-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies on north east Indian woody elements with special reference to timber trees families lythraceae lauraceae Hooker 1879 to 1885Bawa, Kamaljit SinghMehra, P N
19-Apr-2016Cytomorphological studies on some Himalayan grasses with special reference to the species of fodder importanceSharma, Manohar LalMehra, P N
4-May-2016Cytomorphological studies on west Himalayan monocots with particular reference to species of economic importanceSachdeva, Sudarshan KumarMehra, P N
15-Apr-2016Cytotaxonomic investigations on some E Himalayan pteroidsVerma, S CMehra, P N
15-Apr-2016Cytotaxonomic studies in Indian compositaeRemanandan, PMehra, P N