Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mayee, C. D.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
7-Jan-2025Defence mechanisms in groundnut against late leaf spot phaeoisariopsis personata berk and curt v arxSuryawanshi, Angad PandharinathMayee, C. D.
9-Jan-2025Epidemiology and management of powdery mildew of rapeseed mustardKohire, Omprakash DadaraoMayee, C. D.
6-Jan-2025Inheritance of rust resistance in groundnutKawale, Balkrishna RaghunathMayee, C. D.
6-Jan-2025Studies on rust disease of pearl millet with reference to economic losses and managementDeshmukh, Sharad SahebraoMayee, C. D.