Browsing by Researcher/Guide Marathe, M P

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Sep-2017Dharmakirtis philosophy a fresh studyBapat, Lata SMarathe, M P
12-Apr-2017Prakasatman_s advaita_ a critical investigationUpagade, Mamata DMarathe, M P
1-Dec-2017Rabindranath Tagore_s philosophy of primary educationJoshi, Arvind NarayanMarathe, M P
12-May-2017Social and political philosophy of RamadasaTillu, Samita SMarathe, M P
25-Jul-2017Social and poltical philosophy of RamadasaTillu, Samita SMarathe, M P
12-Jun-2017The framework of Nagarjunas philosophyPadhye, A MMarathe, M P
10-Apr-2017The Gita_a theory of human actionMore, Sadanand ShridharMarathe, M P
11-May-2017Tilak s social and political philosophyGumaste, Mangala BhaskarMarathe, M P
28-Sep-2017Vacaspati s advaita_ a critical studyDabeedass, NarainduthMarathe, M P
26-May-2017Vadanyaya_ a glimpse of nyaya buddhist controversyChinchore, Mangala RMarathe, M P