Browsing by Researcher/Guide Maity, Sunil Kumar

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
13-Oct-2023A study of some topological semigroupsPaul, MonikaMaity, Sunil Kumar
16-Aug-2022A Study On Completely Archimedean SemiringsChatterjee, RumpaMaity, Sunil Kumar
10-Oct-2017On completely regular semiringMaity, Sunil KumarSen, M K
28-Jun-2024On Von Neumann Regular SemimodulesSwomin, SabnamMaity, Sunil Kumar
31-Jan-2023Techno economic analysis for the production of biofuels and butylenes from biomass a pinch analysis approachMailaram, SwanrnalathaMaity, Sunil Kumar