Browsing by Researcher/Guide Maitra, Anurupa
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
8-Sep-2023 | Genomic studies in infertile males with specific reference to microdeletions in Y chromosome | Abid, Shadaan Zafaar | Maitra, Anurupa |
25-Sep-2023 | Studies on molecular aspects of ovarian function effect of gowth factors on theca cell steroidogenesis | Tanavde, Vrushali | Maitra, Anurupa |
6-Dec-2023 | Studies on role of steroid acute regulatory StAR and other associated genes in ovarian and adrenal dysfunctions | Shirwalkar, Heena Uttam | Maitra, Anurupa |
1-Jan-2024 | Transfer of anti tuberculosis drug isoniazid from maternal circulation to breast milk a pharmacogenomic assessment | Singh, Neera | Maitra, Anurupa |