Browsing by Researcher/Guide Longia, Sheela

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
2-Dec-2013Clinical and etiological profile of acute viral hepatitis among children in BundelkhandVikasLongia, Sheela
2-Dec-2013Clinical scorecard for diagonosis of group: a streptococcol sore throatPandey, VinitaLongia, Sheela
21-Jan-2014A comparative evaluation of soya based lactose free formula and parenteral antibiotics therapy in management of secondary lactase deficient chronic diarrhLalit KumarLongia, Sheela
21-Nov-2013Evaluation of diazo test in the early diagnosis of typhoid feverPandey, YuganterLongia, Sheela
23-Jan-2014Growth hormone levels in newborns in relation to gestational age and anthropometric indicesAgarwal, RuchinLongia, Sheela
6-Dec-2013Lipid profile in childhood nephrotics syndromeSingh, GurmeetLongia, Sheela
6-Dec-2013Lipid profile in term, preterm and stressed new born babiesNath, SurendraLongia, Sheela
27-Aug-2013A rapid whole blood immunochromatographic test for Plasmodium Falciparum & Plasmodium VivaxManish AhmadLongia, Sheela
9-Oct-2013Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A, B, C, E in children suffering from hepatitis in Bundelkhand regionSubzwari, S Arif AliLongia, Sheela
1-Oct-2013Serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lacticdehydrogennase (LDH) profile in neurological disordersDwiwedi, Umesh ChandraKumar, Ramesh; Longia, Sheela
21-Oct-2013Skeletal changes in malnourished children in Bundelkhand region a radiological studySharma, SanjaySaxena, HN; Gupta, AK; Longia, Sheela
2-Sep-2014Study of dermatogyphic in children with bronchil asthma, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchiolitisRajan, Pravin KumarLongia, Sheela
3-Oct-2013Study of dermatogyphics in children with bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchiolitisRajan, Praveen KumarLongia, Sheela; Longia, G S
28-Oct-2013The study of serum zinc and copper alterations in infections diseasesMohan, BrijLongia, Sheela