Browsing by Researcher/Guide Kushwaha M S

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
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17-Apr-2024Byron and the victoriansPandey Om ShivaKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024Byrons verse tales a revaluationVajpeyi T NKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024Cleanth brooks as a literary critic his theory and practiceHajela Sudheer ChandraKushwaha M S
23-Apr-2024Cleanth brooks as a literary critic his theory and practiceHajela Sudheer ChandraKushwaha M S
23-Apr-2024Cleanth brooks as a literary critic his theory and practiceHajela Sudhir ChandraKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024Interrogating orientalism a case study of the poetical works of sir edwin arnoldBharadwaj AparnaKushwaha M S
22-Apr-2024New criticism and poetics a comparative studyGhildyal Pushp LataKushwaha M S
22-May-2024Protest and realism in the fiction of mulk raj anand and kamala markandaya a comparative studyGupta Krishna GopalKushwaha M S
27-Jun-2024Romantic satire an enquirg into the satiric derse of the major romantic poetsChudhari Ram ChandraKushwaha M S
23-Apr-2024Ruskin as a literary criticSingh KrishnaKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024T s eliot and the romanticsAgarwal AnshuKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024T S eliot and the romanticsAgarwal AnshuKushwaha M S
27-May-2024The fiction of chinua achebe a critical studyMehrotra KavitaKushwaha M S
27-May-2024The fiction of chinua achebe a critical studyMehrotra KavitaKushwaha M S
27-May-2024The fiction of chinua achebe a critical studyMehrotra KavitaKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024The philosophy of the superman in the works of gb shaw and sri aurobindo a comparative studySrivastava ShachiKushwaha M S
15-Jul-2024The poetry of cosmic consciousness a study of the mystical poems of d h lawrenceShail SunitaKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024The poetry of cosmic consciousness a study of the mystical poems of d k lowrenceShail SunitaKushwaha M S
17-Apr-2024The poetry of cosmic consciousness a study of the mystical poems of d k lowrenceShail SunitaKushwaha M S
22-Apr-2024The verse plays of lord byronKushwaha M SChandra Naresh