Browsing by Researcher/Guide Kumar, Vimal

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
21-Dec-2022Caste, dominance and everyday violence in haryana: experiences of balmikis (ex-chuhras) in Gorakhpur villageKumar, VimalAkhup, Alex
8-Jan-2020Comparative study of brahmi and shankhpushpi as premedicants under sarviaihika sangyaharan with special reference to volcatile anaesthetic agent sevofluranceKumar, VimalGupta, S.J ; Pandey, K.K
30-Aug-2013Comparative study of Thrombolytic Therapy and Throbolytic Therapy in the Management of Acute Myocardial InfarctionKumar, VimalKumar, Praveen
20-Mar-2023Design Development And Evaluation Of Controlled Release Formulations of Freely Water Soluble DrugsSingh, GopeshkumarKumar, Vimal
19-Apr-2016Designing of an activity based costing system for hospitals a case studyKumar, VimalGupta, Dinesh K
10-Feb-2020Effect of irrigation and amino acids based bostimulants on water use efficiency and quality of potatoKumar, VimalRaha, Priyankar
29-Jul-2024Effect of plant spacing and moisture regimes on rabi maize zea mays lKumar, VimalSingh, A K
23-Aug-2011Liposome formulation of anticancer drug and its pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetic evaluationShetty, RaghavendraGajjar, Anuradha K; Kumar, Vimal
20-Dec-2024Mahila Sashaktikaran me Swayamsevi Sansthao ki Bhumika Varanasi ki Swayamsevi Sansthao par Adharit Ek Samajshastriya AdhyayanKumar, VimalPrasad, Shweta
11-Apr-2023Phytochemical Analysis and Anti Obesity Activity of Herbal ExtractsPatel, DivyangKumar, Vimal
30-May-2023Popular Fiction As A Literary Genre A Study Of The Novels Of Chetan BhagatKumar, VimalJha,Indira
18-Mar-2024Single and multi phase fluid flow and heat transfer in curved geometriesKushwaha, NaveenKumar, Vimal
14-Aug-2017Storage losses of wheat in rural area A study of North BiharKumar, VimalSaxena, H K
27-Jul-2022Swami Vivekanand Ke Charitr Nirman Sambandhi Vicharon Ki Prasingkta Ka Ek Vishleshnatmak AdhyayanKumar, VimalJohari, Manju