Browsing by Researcher/Guide Krishnan P S

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
21-Jun-2024Aspects of brain metabolismKumar SudhirKrishnan P S
14-Jun-2024Aspects of metabolism of cuscuta and orobacheSingh Digendra VikramKrishnan P S
15-Jul-2024Biochemical aspects of seed germinationKrishnan P R SKrishnan P S
20-Jun-2024Biochemical studies on angiosperm parasitesMisra Prakash ChandraKrishnan P S
14-Jun-2024Biochemical studies on cuscuta reflexaSingh MadhavKrishnan P S
27-Jun-2024Carbohydrate metabolism of the tapioca plantViswanathan P NKrishnan P S
20-Jun-2024Metabolism of mold sporesBhatnagar Gopal MohanKrishnan P S
27-Jun-2024Mitochondrial activity in cuscla speciesBeg Mirza HmairKrishnan P S