Browsing by Researcher/Guide Kirubakaran, V

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
19-Feb-2021Design and development of energy management system for hybrid renewable based micro grid for rural areasLinnet Jaya, SKirubakaran, V
1-Aug-2019Design and development of photovoltaic powered electric auto rickshaw along with immoibile renewable energy docking stationDevaneyan, SKirubakaran, V
17-Oct-2018Energy economic and carbon payback period for the renewable energy projects in indiaMarimuthu, CKirubakaran, V
13-Jan-2023Experimental Investigation of Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Using Green Energy TechnologiesDivya Arputham, SKirubakaran, V
17-Oct-2018Feasibility analysis of non edible pongamia pinnata oil as alternate liquid dielectrics for distribution transformerMariprasath, TKirubakaran, V
17-Oct-2018Hybrid sevenlevel hBridge inverter based dstatcom control using subharmonic pulse width modulation technique a rational approach to energy conservationKalyanakumar, DKirubakaran, V
30-Jan-2020Studies on Auto gasification of sewage sludgeKamal Batcha, BKirubakaran, V
1-Aug-2019Studies on energy efficient building design for rural residenceNadarajan, MKirubakaran, V
17-Oct-2018Studies on energy savings in switched reluctance motorRavindaran, MKirubakaran, V
1-Aug-2019Studies on thermal cracking of pongamia pinnata oil for ic engine applicationRamkumar, SKirubakaran, V
18-Feb-2021Study and optimization of the effects of shadows on solar photo voltaic systems through soft computing techniquesRevathy, S.RKirubakaran, V
1-Aug-2019Techno economic viability assessment of solar thermal air conditioning in IndiaReena DubeyKirubakaran, V