Browsing by Researcher/Guide Khera, S

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
5-May-2016A comparative study of the effects of some Terpenoid JH Analogues and Chemosterilant Hempa on cotton stainer Dysdercus Koenigii FRana, Saroj KumariKhera, S
19-Apr-2016Breeding Biology of the cattle egret bubulcus ibis coromandus boddaert alongwith some observations on its populationSingh, NavdeepKhera, S
25-Apr-2016Breeding Biology of the redwattled lapwing venellus indicus indicus boddaert along with observations on some aspects of its maintenance behaviourKalsi, Rajiv SinghKhera, S
11-Apr-2016Carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in trichuris globulosa effect of benzimidazole drugsJasra, NishaKhera, S
21-Apr-2016Ecology and conservation of pheasants in Shimla hills Himachal PradeshSharma, VirinderKhera, S
5-May-2016Histozoic and coelozoic myxozoan parasites protozoa myxozoa myxosporea of freshwater fishes of northern IndiaGupta, SushmaKhera, S
21-Apr-2016Lipid metabolism in trichuris globulosa nematodaSarwal, RashmiKhera, S
25-Apr-2016On some aspects of metabolism in ascaridia galli effect of certain anthelminitic drugsAggarwal, RamaKhera, S
4-May-2016Studies on nematode parasites of fresh water fishes of Gobind Sagar lake and its associated watersKaur, JaideepKhera, S
4-May-2016Studies on nematode parasites of fresh water fishes of Gobind Sagar lake and its associated watersKaur, JaideepKhera, S
4-Jun-2018Studies on some aspects nematode fauna of paddy fields around CalcuttaSengupta, RumaKhera, S
5-May-2016Studies on some cestode parasites of fishes of Gobind Sagar lake and its associated tributaries in North IndiaWadhawan, PoonamKhera, S
5-May-2016Studies on some changes caused by Nematode Larvae on insect gryllodes sigillatusMathur, NoopurKhera, S
5-May-2016Studies on the effect of nemacur on meloidogyne incognitaMarwah, RanjanaKhera, S
27-Jul-2017Studies on the nematodes belonging to the order dorylaimida in West BengalJana, AmalenduKhera, S
15-Apr-2016Studies on the systematics of the amphibian fauna of Himachal Pradesh with notes on bionomics of some speciesSingh, HarbansKhera, S
5-May-2016Taxonomic studies of plant parasitic nematodes of riceKaur, NarpinderjeetKhera, S