Browsing by Researcher/Guide Karthikeyan M

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15-Nov-2023A data routing failure detection mechanism and bio inspired energy optimization routing protocol for improved dynamic hierarchical clustering in 3d wsnsDivya Mohana Priya.GKarthikeyan M
10-Nov-2017A Linguistic Study on the Fourteenth Century Malayalam with Special Reference to LeelathilakamKarthikeyan MPrushothaman Nair M M
12-Jul-2021A new controller design for maintaining the temperature of continuous stirred tank heaterPooranapriya KKarthikeyan M
23-Oct-2023A novel approach for identifying hazards and assessing risks in automobile and construction sectors using machine learning modelsAnbarasu JKarthikeyan M
28-Jan-2016A study on customer perception towards customer services with value added services of public sector banks with special reference to namakkal townSwathi VKarthikeyan M
30-Jan-2017A study on customer satisfaction towards internet banking services with special reference to erode district Tamil NaduSivakumar NKarthikeyan M
17-Sep-2019A study on job satisfaction among the employees of neyveli lignite corporation limited in tamilnadu stateMaheswari VKarthikeyan M
16-May-2017A study on liquidity management of urban cooperative banks in namakkal districtAnitha NKarthikeyan M
16-Apr-2019A study on structure of capital liquidity and profitability of public sector fertilizer industry in indiaSuguna SKarthikeyan M
30-Apr-2019A study on the performance of select private sector banks in karur districtRamji SKarthikeyan M
9-Sep-2019A study on tourism services and level of satisfaction of tourists in tamilnaduTamilselvi SKarthikeyan M
17-Oct-2018A study on working capital management of select private sector sugar mills in tamilnaduRanjitham MKarthikeyan M
12-Sep-2019An efficient ontology based text mining approach using FUZZY SOM and improved genetic algorithm for research project selectionSaravana Priya DKarthikeyan M
23-Mar-2018Angiotensinogen agt gene polymorphisms in south indian hypertensivesKarthikeyan MJayaraman G
9-Oct-2020Cost and return analysis of citrus species in Dindigul District of TamilnaduKarthikeyan MPonramu P
14-Jul-2022Design and modelling of artificial intelligence based automated passenger vehicleKarthikeyan MSathiyamoorthy S
25-Sep-2024Fpga implementation of intelligent learning and chaotic countermeasures for mitigating the side channel attacksKarthikeyan MPonniyin Selvan V
16-May-2019Imperungkaappiyangalil penniyap pokkuKavitha NKarthikeyan M
20-Apr-2021implementation of blockchain technology using multiple watermarking techniques with imagesAnanth CKarthikeyan M
15-Oct-2020Implementation of evolutionary algorithms for solving economic load dispatch with practical constraintsKarthikeyan MSree renga raja T