Browsing by Researcher/Guide Kanwar, Usha

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
18-Apr-2016Effect of antioxidants on caffeine and nicotine induced changes in human spermatozoa an in vitro studyArabi, MehranKanwar, Usha
5-May-2016Effect of steroidal and non steroidal compounds on the male reproductive tract and liver functions of sexually mature albino ratsHazuria, DeepikaKanwar, Usha
5-May-2016Histogenesis of the brain of dysdercus Koenigii and the effect of two chemosterilants on the female neuro gonadal axisRani, PromilaKanwar, Usha
5-May-2016Morphological and cytochemical studies on the gonads and associated structures of some parasitic helminthsBala, MadhuKanwar, Usha
4-May-2016Placental transport movement of some selected molecules of low molecular weight characterisation of the placental transport surfaces and the effect of a number of a surface active agents in human term placenta in vitroAnand, Ravinder Jit KaurKanwar, Usha
4-May-2016Placental transport movement of some selected molecules of low molecular weight characterization of the placental transport surfaces and the effect of a number of surface active agents in human term placenta in vitroAnand, Ravinderjit KaurKanwar, Usha
5-May-2016Studies on the effect of embelin a plant extract of embelia ribes on the male reproductive system liver functions and intestinal absorption of albino ratsKumari, SushilKanwar, Usha
4-May-2016Studies on the effects of gossypol acetic acid and sulfasalazine two antifertility agents on the intestinal and liver functions of male albino ratSangeeta, SangeetaKanwar, Usha
5-May-2016Studies on the reproductive tract and liver function of the male rat following combined administration of androgens and progestinsSharma, Suresh KumarKanwar, Usha