Browsing by Researcher/Guide Kannan, P

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Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
4-Mar-2016A study of the depolymerization of Neyveli LigniteKannan, PNadar, P Ananthakrishna
9-Jan-2017An economic analysis of urban housing problems in Madurai cityKannan, PHaridoss, R
7-Oct-2024Antidotes Against Snake Bite From Ethnobotanical Principles Used By Rural And Tribal People In Coimbatore District Tamilnadu IndiaJayanthi, MKannan, P
26-Apr-2013Campus novels in Indian English literature: a study in themes and forumsShridevi, P GKannan, P
6-Aug-2021Consumer behaviour towards impulse buying of salem districtKannan, PElangovan, A
10-Jun-2016D H Lawrence as a creative critic a studyKarki, RameshKannan, P
14-Dec-2015Design analysis and implementation on adapted sports training programme to hearing impaired in Tamilnadu stateKannan, PRajalakshmi, D
1-Jun-2022Development of faculty profile management system using Irins for the analysis of research performance in the field Of science and technologyKannan, PThanuskodi, S
23-Jun-2016Girish Karnads Plays a study in Themes and techniqueMulla, Shamimunisa NKannan, P
29-Apr-2013Indian English novels of social realism (1980-2000): a studyHurali M MKannan, P
28-Jul-2014Indian women novelists in English: a study in magic realismTambat, Shilpa VinayakKannan, P
8-Jun-2015Modeling and simulation of UPQC in power systems to improve power qualityKannan, PRajamani, V
9-Jun-2016Realism in Anita desais novels a critical studyPaul, Ruth ShireenKannan, P
29-Apr-2013Realism in AnitaDesai’s novels: a critical studyPaul Ruth ShireenKannan, P
18-Feb-2023Sanga agapadalkalil nadakak kurugalRamesh, NKannan, P
4-Mar-2016Studies on azobenzene based organophosphorus liquid crystalline polymersKumaresan, SKannan, P
5-Nov-2014Studies on co poly decyloxymethacrylates containing fulgimide and azobenzenes in the Pendant for dual mode optical switchesSaravanan, CKannan, P
4-Mar-2016Studies on ferrocenylene based organophosphorus liquid crystalline polymersSenthil, SKannan, P
8-Sep-2014Studies on photo switchable pendant indolyl furyl and thienyl fulgimides containing polypyrrolesNithyanandan, SKannan, P
4-Mar-2016Studies on photocrosslinkable cum flame retardant poly benzylidene phosphoramide ester sMurugavel, SCKannan, P