Browsing by Researcher/Guide KHANAA, V

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
16-Feb-2021A Study on Implementation of ARS in Wireless Mesh Networks for Efficient Energy TransmissionVENKATESAN, K G SKHANAA, V
21-Apr-2021A study on supervised machine learning Algorithm to improvise intrusion Detection systems for mobile ad hoc NetworksVIMALA, SKHANAA, V
16-Feb-2021A Study on the Enhancement of Advanced Software Architecture Visualization in Secure Design PatternKIRAN KUMAR, PKHANAA, V
6-May-2021Bio Inspired Computing Model For Gene Editing Using Insertion Deletion SystemsKOTTEESWARAN, CKHANAA, V
24-Apr-2024Dynamic Resource Organization Policies to Improve Query Performance Preserving Data Privacy in Cloud DatabasesNIRAJA RAVINDRA JAINKHANAA, V
16-Feb-2021Enhancement of Security for the Topology Maintenance Protocols in WSNTHANIGASALAM, TKHANAA, V
26-Apr-2024Handling Downloading Latency in 5g Wireless Network Communication with Reliability in Signal Denied AreasKirankumar MuppalaKHANAA, V
7-Jul-2023Parallel implementation of machine learning in mapreduce using census datasetSIVARAMAN,KKHANAA, V
8-Sep-2021Prediction of chronic disease by improved Dimensionality reduction and accuracy Using enhanced grass hopper optimization AlgorithmSRIDHAR, JKHANAA, V
21-Apr-2021Real Time Security and Privacy Data Transmission for Preventing Jamming AttackBritto Raj, SKHANAA, V
21-Apr-2021Sip Based Dynamic Estimation of Secure Network Mobility senemo for Real time ApplicationsSivanesh Kumar, AKHANAA, V
21-Apr-2021The Ad Hoc Networks in Security Sensitive Applications Using Tam A Tiered Authentication of Multicast ProtocolSRIKKANTHAN, RKHANAA, V
20-Jan-2021Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Multi Zone Modeling of Digital Watermarking SchemesKOYI LAKSHMI PRASADKHANAA, V