Browsing by Researcher/Guide Jayant B Udgaonkar

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
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16-Sep-2022Characterization and Modulation of Cooperativity in Protein Folding and Unfolding TransitionsPooja MalhotraJayant B Udgaonkar
30-Sep-2022Characterization of Conformational Heterogeneity in Protein Unfolding Using HX MS and Optical SpectroscopyAjazul Hamid WaniJayant B Udgaonkar
29-Sep-2022Characterization of Folding Unfolding and GroEL assisted folding of a sweet protein MonellinAshish Kumar PatraJayant B Udgaonkar
26-Sep-2022Characterization of sub millisecond intermediates detected during the refolding and unfolding of the SH3 domain of PI3 kinaseAmrita DasguptaJayant B Udgaonkar
11-May-2022Characterization of the Mechanism of Aggregation by the Prion ProteinSabareesan Ambadi ThodyJayant B Udgaonkar
27-Sep-2022Characterization of the Mechanism of Amyloid Fibril Formation by TauGayathri RamachandranJayant B Udgaonkar
16-Sep-2022Characterization of the molecular mechanisms of prion protein misfolding and oligomerizationJogender SinghJayant B Udgaonkar
20-Apr-2023Characterization of the Nature of Free Energy Barriers During the Folding and Unfolding of Small ProteinsSantosh Kumar jhaJayant B Udgaonkar
20-Sep-2022Exploring the formation of inclusion bodies in mammalian cellsVishal BhardwajJayant B Udgaonkar
20-Apr-2023Exploring the Nature of Protein Aggregation ReactionsAmrita SekharJayant B Udgaonkar
28-Mar-2023Folding and dynamics of intrinsically disordered and globular proteinsSreemantee SenJayant B Udgaonkar
28-Apr-2022Mechanistic and structural approaches to characterize the heterogeneity in amyloid fibrilsHarish KumarJayant B Udgaonkar
10-Apr-2023Modulation of Protein Stability and Folding Cooperativity by CosolventsJethva Prashantkumar NavalbhaiJayant B Udgaonkar
9-May-2022Rational Design of Domain Swapping in ProteinsNeha NandwaniJayant B Udgaonkar
25-Apr-2022Resolving Site Specific Structural Heterogeneity in Protein Folding and Unfolding ReactionsSandhya BhatiaJayant B Udgaonkar
10-May-2022Role of folding intermediate states in initiating aggregation of the prion proteinRoumita MoulickJayant B Udgaonkar
9-May-2022Role of sub millisecond dynamics in protein folding and misfoldingRana Reddy GoluguriJayant B Udgaonkar