Browsing by Researcher/Guide Jayan C

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
3-Jul-2024A study on contributors of social anxiety among children and efficacy of an intervention planZahira, M.AJayan C
17-Sep-2018An investigation into the behavioural problems of plus two students with a view to develop an intervention planAnitha SJayan C
3-Feb-2020Effectiveness of Bio psycho Social Intervention Package for Children with oral facial cleftsNandini MJayan C
24-Mar-2020Efficacy of Holistic Interventional Strategy on Rehabilitation of Stroke SurvivorsSherly AlexJayan C
3-Feb-2020Efficacy of personal safety skills training programme on perceived self assertiveness against sexual abuse among adolescent girlsAsha SivaramanJayan C
17-Sep-2018Efficacy of rational emotive behaviour therapy on some personality disordersPradeep Saji KJayan C
5-May-2021Exploration of psychological correlates of asthma and development of a mindfulness based asthma management programmeNeethu Lal VJayan C
17-May-2018Father involvement and adolescents mental health an explorationFathima Bushra Saliha K PJayan C
26-Sep-2018Organizational culture and quality of work life as moderators of job attitude and personal effectivenessReena GeorgeJayan C
17-Oct-2018Psycho Social Contributors of Emotion Regulation and Its Impact on Mental Health of Female Law Enforcement OfficersAshalatha P JJayan C
5-May-2021Psychological contributors of person-work environment fit and its impact on the effectiveness of law enforcement officersFirdousiya P CJayan C
5-May-2021The impact of parenting styles and emotional intelligence on achievement motivation and mental health of adolescentsNisha KJayan C
20-Jul-2021The intricate relationship between intelligence and academic achievement examining the role of students self regulated learning strategiesShamla V MJayan C