Browsing by Researcher/Guide Jaya Jaise

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
2-Mar-2021Developing a soft skills integrated strategy for augmenting paralingustics and behavioural profile of teacher educands at secondary levelShimna SureshJaya Jaise
13-Jun-2019Developing an instructional strategy based on e learning for enhancing vocabulary acquisition reading comprehension and creative writing in english among primary school studentsVidhya V.SJaya Jaise
20-Mar-2023Developing an Instructional Strategy based on SIOP Model for Improving English Language Proficiency among Students at Higher Secondary LevelChinchu S KurianJaya Jaise
13-Jun-2019Developing an integrated learning package based on biology concepts for enhancing achievement and life skills among secondary school studentsRajini GJaya Jaise
13-Jun-2019Diagnosis and remediation of reading deficits in english of students at primary levelLatha JosephJaya Jaise
5-Sep-2024Effect of a web tools integrated digital learning strategy on scientific creativity academic anxiety and achievement in chemistry among students at secondary school levelPooja, SJaya Jaise
1-Aug-2019Effectiveness of a strategy based on a componential approach on reading comprehension in english and critical thinking among secondary school studentsAmbily SJaya Jaise
1-Aug-2019Effectiveness of concept mapping approach on select cognitive and affective correlates in teaching chemistry at higher secondary levelBetsy Joseph EJaya Jaise
4-Nov-2024Tasking behaviour in relation to fluid intelligence attention span and creativity among adolescentsKrishnaja, T RJaya Jaise