Browsing by Researcher/Guide Jasraj Kaur

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
30-Mar-2022A study of errors committed by secondary school students in english language in relation to their intelligence and socio economic statusGosal, PapaldeepJasraj Kaur
27-Aug-2021A study of procrastination among students in relation to their personality stress and academic achievementSandeep KaurJasraj Kaur
30-Apr-2019A study of sensitisation of secondary school students of Punjab towards environmental concernsRekhaJasraj Kaur
17-May-2024Academic buoyancy of school students in relation to student engagement self directed learning skills and self esteemPurohit, Madhuri SunilJasraj Kaur
20-May-2021Academic competence of school students in relation to their academic achievement emotional intelligence and happinessSandeep KaurJasraj Kaur
17-May-2024Cognitive flexibility of school students of Punjab in relation to their emotion regulation social competence and well beingLoomba, Sukhdeep SinghJasraj Kaur
1-Jul-2019Effect of interaction analysis and concept attainment model on teaching skills of teacher traineesJasdeep Kamal KaurJasraj Kaur
9-Nov-2023Effect of life skills training on social competence and depression among secondary school studentsGurpreet Singh Alias Rohi RamJasraj Kaur
11-May-2022Effect of peace education on conflict handling mode empathy skill and self esteem of school studentRifat AaraJasraj Kaur
21-Jan-2022Exploring impact of remoteness on quality of education of primary schools of India and Ethiopia a comparative analysisKetema Geleta FufaJasraj Kaur
17-May-2024Impulsiveness in relation to self disclosure well being and academic procrastination of school students in PunjabPawandeep KaurJasraj Kaur
9-Feb-2024Influence of web 2 0 technology on ubiquitous learning and cognitive skills among students of higher education an analysis through academic performanceNavjot KaurJasraj Kaur
11-Apr-2022Machiavellianism among secondary school students in relation to their emotional intelligence locus of control and achievement motivationKarandeep KaurJasraj Kaur
11-Oct-2024Narcissism of school students in relation to their social loafing meta cognition and self compassionGurleen KaurJasraj Kaur
5-Jan-2022Optimism of adolescents in relation to their self esteem resilience and life satisfactionKamaljeet KaurJasraj Kaur
7-Feb-2024Self regulation of school students in relation to their quality of life happiness and emotional competenceAmandeep KaurJasraj Kaur
2-Dec-2021Social freedom of college girl students in relation to their adjustment mental health and life satisfactionJagjit SinghJasraj Kaur
11-Apr-2022Socio psychological correlates of adjustment among working women of PunjabSharma, SoniaJasraj Kaur
5-Aug-2013Teacher effectiveness of school teachers in relation to their job satisfaction, personality and mental healthGoel, SunitaJasraj Kaur