Browsing by Researcher/Guide JAYA NARAYAN MISHRA

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
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12-Oct-2022Administrative Re Organization in Bihar After 2000RAJU KUMARJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
12-Oct-2022An Appraisal of Water Productivity of Irrigated Agriculture in North BiharNAWAL RAMJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
8-Jan-2023An Appraisal Of Water Resources Of The Kosi Command AreaSANTOSH MANI TIWARIJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
30-Dec-2022Assessment and Utilization of the Underground Water Resources in North BiharKUMARI ARPANAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
11-Oct-2022Correlation of Irrigation And Output in Gorakhpur DistrictSANDEEP MISHRAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
28-Sep-2022Development For Rural Poor A Case Study of West Champaran DistrictBABLU KUMARJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
10-Oct-2022Irrigation And Agricultural Development in the Purbi Champaran District East Champaran DistrictNEHAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
10-Oct-2022Population And Environmental Degradation A case Study of The North Bihar PlainSHARMILA JHAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
11-Oct-2022Possibilities of Economic Integration and Regional Co Operation in South Asia Problems and ProspectsRAJ KAPOORJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
11-Oct-2022Prospects of Food and Nutritional Security in Madhubani DistrictGAURAV KUMARJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
12-Oct-2022Role of Females in Regional Development with Reference to Tirhut DivisonCHADANI CHAVALAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
10-Oct-2022The Mahabharata A Politico Geographic Study With Special Reference To The Shanti ParvaPRAFULLA KUMARJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
11-Oct-2022The Mahabharata A Politico Geographic Study With Special Reference To The Shanti ParvaPRAFULLA KUMARJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA
28-Sep-2022Woman Work Force in North Bihar A Geographical StudyALKA APARNAJAYA NARAYAN MISHRA