Browsing by Researcher/Guide Indulekha, K
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
7-Aug-2014 | Kinematical and spacial lopsidedness in spiral galaxies | Angiras, Rabbi Akkiba | Indulekha, K |
26-Nov-2013 | Morphological evolution in galaxy clusters a quantitative approach | Vinu, V | Indulekha, K; Kembhavi, Ajit K |
23-Jun-2014 | Quasi periodic oscillations in transient accretion powered pulsars | James, Marykutty | Indulekha, K |
7-Aug-2014 | Theoritical investigation of some problems in transport through random media | Abraham, Alexander | Indulekha, K |
28-Jan-2013 | Third Order Elastic constants and the low temperature thermal expansion of the trigonal crystals CaCO3, Bi and LiNbO3 | Philip , Thresiamma | Indulekha, K; Menon, C S |