Browsing by Researcher/Guide Imoba Singh, Soibam

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
14-Jul-2016A comparative phonology of Hmar Paite and VaipheiYumnam ,Satyabati DeviImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016A contrastive analysis of English and Manipuri grammatical categoriesNongthombam, RussellImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016A descriptive grammar of KomChongom, Damrengthang AimolImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016Chiru GrammarSalam, Brojen singhImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016Componential analysis of Manipuri verbsMoirangthem, Ashalata DeviImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016Problems in making English Manipuri dictionaryLeihaorambam ,Sarbajit SinghImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016The Tangkhul grammar of Shangshak villageThokchom, Lakhipriya DeviImoba Singh, Soibam
14-Jul-2016Toponyms of Manipur with special reference to Manipur valleyLairenlakpam, Sarat SinghImoba Singh, Soibam