Browsing by Researcher/Guide Guha, B C
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
20-Jun-2017 | Studies in proteins from green leaves | Banerjee, Bhupendra Nath | Guha, B C |
20-Jun-2017 | Studies on ferro proteins | Saha, Anil Kumar | Guha, B C |
26-Jul-2017 | Studies on iron and copper proteins involved in hemopciesis | Datta, Rabindra Nath | Guha, B C |
20-Jun-2017 | Studies on the bound form of nicotinic acid niacinogen | Ghosh, Hara Prasad | Guha, B C |
10-Jul-2017 | Studies on the sound form of niacin Niacinoget | Sarkar, Pranab Kumar | Guha, B C |
20-Jun-2017 | Studies on the synthesis of some compounds having possible antinucleic acid properties and their action on certain bacteria | Ganguly, Maikeswar | Guha, B C |