Browsing by Researcher/Guide Grewal, Reeta

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
11-Apr-2016Agriculture and agrarian life in the south east Punjab 1858 to 1947Singh, MahenderGrewal, Reeta
11-Aug-2020Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha and the late 19th early 20th century Punjab a historical perspective on his writingsSingh, ParminderGrewal, Reeta
21-Apr-2016Children and the state a study of the Colonial PunjabLakshmi, VijayGrewal, Reeta
25-Mar-2020Punjabi society in the early Nineteenth CenturySurekhaGrewal, Reeta
21-Apr-2016Right to Life a study of the girl child in the Punjab from the MID 19th to 20th centuryKaur, HarneetGrewal, Reeta
5-Dec-2018Sikh shrines in the Punjab a study of the 19th and 20th centuriesJasvir SinghGrewal, Reeta
18-Apr-2016Social transformation in the Punjab a study of the sikh under British rule 1849 to 1919Kaur, AnurupitaGrewal, Reeta
19-Apr-2016State society and custom in colonial PunjabVig, SoniaGrewal, Reeta
23-Aug-2019Symbols in Jain art a study of north and west India from 3rd century BC to the 20th century ADGupta, AlkaGrewal, Reeta
29-Feb-2024The making of a city a history of Gurugram in the 19th and 20th centuriesSoniaGrewal, Reeta
5-Apr-2018Urban development in post independence india a case study of chandigarhKaur, ManveerGrewal, Reeta
13-Apr-2016Urbanization in post independence India a comparative study of Punjab and Haryana upto 1991Bhalla, RupaliGrewal, Reeta
11-Apr-2016Widows and widowhood in the colonial PunjabBindu, BinduGrewal, Reeta