Browsing by Researcher/Guide Goswami, Sauravpran
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
18-Oct-2016 | Logic philosophy interface a study with special reference to bertrand russell | Deka, Jahnabi | Goswami, Sauravpran |
8-Jan-2016 | Samkhya philosophy of Prakrti an appraisal of samkhya karika of Isvarakrsna | Nath, Nabaprasad | Goswami, Sauravpran |
4-Jan-2016 | The theory of person a study with special reference to P F Strawson and A J Ayer | Goswami, Sauravpran | Chakravarty, Dilip Kumar |
7-Jan-2016 | Utilitarianism as a moral theory a study with special reference to John Struart Mill | Phukan, Dimbeswar | Goswami, Sauravpran |
8-Jan-2016 | Wittgensteins philosophy of language with special reference to philosophical investigations | Bhattacharyya, Bhaskar | Goswami, Sauravpran |