Browsing by Researcher/Guide Ghosh, S K

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
24-Aug-2023A study of water quality management for a river basin with special reference to fast purification and stochastic environmentSingh, Ajit PratapGhosh, S K
29-Oct-2024Design Microwave Assisted Synthesis And Antimalarial Evaluation Of Hybrid Para Amino Benzoic Acid 1 3 5 Triazine DerivativesSaha, AshmitaGhosh, S K
6-Dec-2024Design Microwave Assisted Synthesis And Antimalarial Evaluation Of Hybrid Para Amino Benzoic Acid 1 3 5 Triazine DerivativesSaha, AshmitaGhosh, S K
19-Oct-2015A detailed study addressing the functional significance of de novo heme biosynthetic pathway in the entire life cycle of malaria parasite and its potential as drug target and vaccine candidatePradeep A SGhosh, S K
26-Sep-2022Identification of Anopheles stephensi midgut microflora and their effect on sporogonic development of Plasmodium speciesDevaiah, M KGhosh, S K
28-Dec-2023Minimization of Reaction Oxygen Species Production from Mitochondria and Plasma Membrane of spermatozoa for the Improvement of Freezability in BuffaloKumar, AbhishekGhosh, S K
10-Jul-2017Physico chemical and biochemical studies on calmodulin from Goat Capra hiscus testisBandyopadhyay, SmarajitGhosh, S K
10-Mar-2015Preliminary study on petroleum biodegradable micro organismsAlaknanda, CGhosh, S K
10-Jul-2017Studies on growth and improvement of jute crop corchorus olitorius L by treating with rice necrosis mosaic virusBhattacharyya, RitaGhosh, S K
20-Jun-2017Synthetic studies in polycyclic systems related to gibberellins and kaurenesGhosh, Satya RanjanGhosh, S K