Browsing by Researcher/Guide Gera, Manju

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
3-Jun-2021Academic procrastination among adolescents in relation to metacognition perfectionism and internet usageNeeraj KumarGera, Manju
13-Apr-2016Acquisition of environmental awareness through concept mapping among IX graders in relation to achievement motivation and cognitive styleSharma, JyotiGera, Manju
21-Dec-2023Effect of blended e-learning on cognitive absorption, behavioural intention and academic achievement of senior secondary school studentsDhiman, Sonu BalaGera, Manju
27-Mar-2023Effect of Duval cognitive model on spatial reasoning learning outcomes and geometrical intuitionHarshvardhan SinghGera, Manju
13-Apr-2016Effect of duvals cognitive model on geometrical reasoning and achievement in relation to geometry self efficacyLaxmi, VijayGera, Manju
13-May-2019Effect of Duvals Semiotic approach on higher order thinking skills and achievement in mathematics in relation to brain dominanceManinder Pal SinghGera, Manju
28-Mar-2019Effect of stress management programme on professional commitment and life satisfaction of secondary school teachersBandana KumariGera, Manju
12-Apr-2016Impact of learning approaches and attitude towards technology on the academic transactions of internet user and non user professional college teachersGera, ManjuAhuja, Malvinder
22-Mar-2023Mental health and life skills of teacher educators in relation to their life satisfactionSharma, KavitaGera, Manju
5-Apr-2018Peer victimization parental involvement and adjustment among students with learning disabilitiesBist, SunitaGera, Manju
19-Apr-2016Study of self efficacy self esteem thinking and decision making styles of prospective teachers in relation to their gender and academic achievementSingh, RajinderGera, Manju
13-Apr-2016University students entrepreneurial attitude in relation to their gender academic streams and family occupational backgroundSingh, GobindGera, Manju