Browsing by Researcher/Guide George, M K
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
28-Mar-2017 | An enquiry into the extent and causative factors of educational backwardness among the marine fishworkers of Kerala | George, M K | Gadgil, A V and Adyanthaya, Hira |
11-Mar-2011 | Biochemical genetics studies on the oil sardine, sardinella longiceps (cuvier and valenciennes, 1847)from selected centres of the West coast of India | Krishnan, P Venkita | George, M K |
31-Dec-2012 | Genetic studies of the marine penaeid prawn Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798 | Rebello, Vincent Terrence | George, M K |
9-Feb-2011 | Population genetic studies on the oil sardine.(Sardinella longiceps) | Mohandas, N N | George, M K |
20-May-2013 | Studies on biochemical genetics of the grey mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus | Vijayakumar S | George, M K |