Browsing by Researcher/Guide Geeta

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17-May-2021A study of media portrayal of athletes and its impact on sportspersonGeetaSingh, Kultaj
1-Sep-2017A Study on the effect of plant growth regulators indoles on the morphological biochemical changes and production biology of kalmegh andrographis paniculata wall ex neesGeetaGoyal, Ashwani Kumar
9-May-2023Adyatmik Evam Andhvishvashi Dristikon Wale Abhibhawakon Ke Balikaaon Ki Shaikshik Stithi Ka Sehsambandh AdhyaanGeetaAnoj Raj
14-May-2024Bhagavad Balmiki Charitam Mahakavya Eka Samikshatmak AdhyayanGeetaJagdish Bhardwaj
22-Oct-2024Chaudhary Charan Singh ka Rajnaitik Evam Arthik ChintanGeetaSharma, Mamta
10-Jun-2022Comparative study of Urban Infrastructural development in Panipat and Sonipat city HaryanaGeetaSingh, M.P.
22-Jul-2024Dalit Women and media in north India exploring absences and assertions in Hindi print media since 1980sGeetaSingh, Lata
12-Oct-2020Effect of Vehicular and Industrial Emission on the Roadside Plants at Jamshedpur IndiaNamrataGeeta
28-Dec-2023Enhancing quality of services in cloud computing environment using load balancingGeetaShiva Prakash and Santosh Kumar
28-Dec-2023Evaluation of Lactobacillus fermentum and Essential Oils as Alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters in Broiler ChickensGeetaYadav, Ajit Singh
22-Nov-2017Gorakh Pandey ke kavya mein janwadi chetnaGeetaTripathi, Madan Mohan
30-Mar-2015Gorokh Pandey ke kavya me janbadi Chetna गोरूख पांडेय के काव्य में जंबाड़ी चेतनाGeetaTripathi, Madan Mohan ; Singh, Saroj
14-May-2024Govind Mishr Ke Upanyaso Mein Samajik ChetnaGeetaKadam, Swarnlata
4-Jan-2023Hypervalent iodine mediated oxidation of hydroxyaryl substituted nitrogen heterocyclesGeetaKumar, Devinder
9-Jan-2015Impact of an intervention programme on the development of life skills among children with dyslexiaGeetaSangeeta
16-Nov-2020Interstate relations an analysis of special provisions for certain states in the constitution of IndiaGeetaGoel, Anupama and Walia, Jasneet Kaur
13-May-2021Investigation of Linkages of Large Scale Climate Indices with Extreme Precipitation and Flow EventsGeetaShakeel, Mohammad and Co-Supervisor:Sharif Mohammed
13-May-2021Investigation of Linkages of Large Scale Climate Indices with Extreme Precipitation and Flow EventsGeetaShakeel, Mohammad and Co-Supervisor:Sharif Mohammed
6-Feb-2023Madhyamik Star Par Adhyayanrat Anusuchit Janjati Varg Ke Vidhyarthiyon Ki Shaikshik Yojanao Sambandhi Jagrukta Ka Unki Shaikshik Evam Vyavsaik Akanshaon Ke Sandarbh Mein AdhyayanGeetaKandpal, Shubhra P
2-May-2024Mahila police karmi ki samasyae arajptrit adikari nirikshak varg se laiker aarakhsi varg tak addhyan bulandshar janpad ke pripakshh maiGeetaYadav, Shivkant