Browsing by Researcher/Guide Ganapathi, A

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17-Oct-2016Agrobacterium_mediated transformation and ethylene biosynthesis in transgenic cucumber _ Cucumis sativus L _Vasudevan, AGanapathi, A
19-Oct-2016Bio systematic pharmacological and in vitro culture studies on physalis _Solonaceae_ in South IndiaSudhakaran, SGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016Biochemical in vitro culture and genetic transformation studies of Withania somnifera _L_ dunalUdayakumar, RGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016Biosystematic pharmacological and in vitro culture studies on Physalis _ Solonaceae _ in South IndiaSudhakaran, SGanapathi, A
19-Oct-2016Cytological and tissue culture studies on withania and datura of South Indian floraThirupurasundari, GGanapathi, A
15-Feb-2022Development of transgenic Black gram Vigna Mungo L Hepper through Agrobacterium mediate transformation Tissue culture based and plantaKapildev, GGanapathi, A
18-Jun-2013Improved strategies for sugarcane ( Saccharum spp. hybrids) transformation using agrobacterium tumefaciensMayavan, SGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro culture and genetic transformation of cucumber _ Cucumis sativus L _Selvaraj, NGanapathi, A
19-Oct-2016In vitro culture and selection of NaCl tolerant cell lines in mungbean _ Vigna radiata _ L _ Wilczek _Girija, SGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro culture studies in mulberry genotypeShajahan, AGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro culture studies on cowpea _Vigna unguiculata _L_ Walp_Kulothungan, SGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro regeneration and Agrobacterium tumefaciens_mediated transformation in green gram _Vigna radiata _L_ Wilczek_Amutha, SGanapathi, A
18-Jun-2013In vitro regeneration and transfer of y-tocopherol methyltransferase gene into India soybean cultivarArun, MGanapathi, A
24-Sep-2012In vitro regeneration, Hairy root culture and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation in West Indian Gherkin (Cucumis anguria L.)Joseph Sahaya Rayan, JGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro studies and application of endomycorrhizae on cashew _ Anacardium occidentale L _Ananthakrishnan, GGanapathi, A
17-Oct-2016In vitro studies on salt tolerance in mulberryKathiravan, KGanapathi, A
25-Sep-2012Organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Indian Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cultivarsShibu, T S MariaGanapathi, A
19-Oct-2016Studies on seed storage and effect of Endomycorrhizae on in vitro raised plantlets of bambooRavikumar, RGanapathi, A
15-Feb-2022Synthesis and characterization of bionanoparticles using Podophyllum hexandrum Royle Syn P emodi Wall ex Hook f and Thomas for potential application in antimicrobial and anticancer therapyJeyaraj, MGanapathi, A
19-Oct-2016Transfer and expression of nptII and bar genes in Vigna unguiculata _ L _ Walp via Agrobacterium tumefaciensPream Anand, RGanapathi, A