Browsing by Researcher/Guide Gadre, Shridhar R

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Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
1-Sep-2011Ab initio treatment of large molecular systems: algorithm development, parallelization and applicationsGanesh, VGadre, Shridhar R
31-Jan-2017Development and applications of an electrostatic model for weak intermolecular complexationPundlik, Savita SunilGadre, Shridhar R
2-Feb-2017Development of sequential_ parallel_ and visualization software in computational chemistryLimaye, Ajay ChandrashekharGadre, Shridhar R
16-Feb-2017Development of sequential__ parallel_ and visualization software in computational chemistryLimaye, Ajay ChandrashekharGadre, Shridhar R
31-May-2017Electrostatic and polarization potentials_algorithm development and applications to intermolecular interactionsPingale, Subhash SitaramGadre, Shridhar R
16-May-2017Exploring structures energetics and properties of atomic and molecular clusters through electrostatics and molecular tailoringJovan Jose, K VGadre, Shridhar R
23-Feb-2017Interconnections between configuration and momentum space properties for atomsChakravorty, Subhas JGadre, Shridhar R
24-Jan-2017Molecular electrostatic potential topography for probing solvation effects van der Waals radii and intermolecular interactionsBhadane, Pravin KashinathGadre, Shridhar R
26-Aug-2019Quantum chemical calculations on large molecular systems_ development of a plug_in utilityRahalkar, Anuja PadmanabhGadre, Shridhar R
16-Feb-2017Studies on atomic and molecular electron densities_ electrostatic potentials and information entropiesBendale, Rajiv DGadre, Shridhar R