Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dwivedi, D P

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14-Aug-2017Assessment of nitrogen requirement for wheat under varying soil moisture profileSingh, Rajendra PrasadDwivedi, D P
12-Nov-2017Effect of different fertility levels on growth yield and quality of gram Cicer Arietinum LSingh, Ajit KumarDwivedi, D P
14-Aug-2017Effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth yield and quality of lentil Lens Culinaris MChaubey, Sanjeev KumarDwivedi, D P
14-Aug-2017Effect of different levels of phosphorus and zinc on growth yield and quality of hybrid rice Oryza sativa LSingh, Shiv KumarDwivedi, D P
14-Aug-2017Effect of different levels of zinc and sulphur on growth yield and quality of mustard Brassica Juncea L Czern CossSingh, Hans RajDwivedi, D P
21-Aug-2017Effect of moisture regimes and fertility levels on growth and yield of rajmash Phaseolus Vulgaris LChaturvedi, Prabhat KumarDwivedi, D P
18-Aug-2017Effect of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization on growth yield and quality of mustard Brassica Juncea L Czern CossTripathi, Harendra KumarDwivedi, D P
30-Dec-2019Effect of phosphorus and bio fertilizers on growth yield of Chickpea Cicer Arietinum LSingh, Sunil KumarDwivedi, D P
17-Aug-2017Effect of phosphorus levels on growth yield and quality of different pea varieties Pisum Sativum LTripathi, BeerbhadraDwivedi, D P
22-May-2015Effect of phosphorus levels on growth, yield and quality of different pea varietiesTripathi, BeerbhadraDwivedi, D P
17-Aug-2017Effect of plant geometries and levels of nitrogen on growth yield and quality of mustard Brassica Juncea L Czern CossSingh, Akhilesh KumarDwivedi, D P
18-Aug-2017Effect of sulphur and zinc on growth yield and quality of summer green gram Vigna Radiata L wilezekSingh, Pawan KumarDwivedi, D P
18-Aug-2017Effect of varying sources and levels of sulphur on different varieties of Indian mustard Brassica Juncea L czern and cossPandey, AtulDwivedi, D P
18-Aug-2017Growth and yield of chickpea Cicer Arietinum L affected by levels of irrigation phosphorus and sulphurSingh, Bhoop NarayanDwivedi, D P
14-Aug-2017Integrated weed management in direct seeded drilled rice Oryza Sativa LSingh, Bhupendra BirDwivedi, D P
17-Aug-2017Phosphorus use effficiency in maize wheat sequence as influence by phosphorus levels and phosphorus solubilizing bacteriaSingh, Sanjay KumarDwivedi, D P
21-Aug-2017Response of malting barley varieties to different nitrogen levels for yield and malting traits under irrigated conditionsSingh, Chandra PrakashDwivedi, D P
17-Aug-2017Studies on herbicidal control of weeds in relation to varying sowing systems in wheat Triticum Aestivum LBatham, Anil KumarDwivedi, D P
21-Aug-2017Studies on method cum time of seeding of wheat in relation to defferent methods of rice planting in rice wheat cropping systemRai, Parmeshware DayalDwivedi, D P
17-Aug-2017Weed control by different rates of metribuzin in wheat crop Triticum Aestivum LShahi, Chandra VijaiDwivedi, D P