Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dutta, Mahadev
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
20-Jun-2017 | Critical study of some problems of continuum mechanics | Bhattacharyya, Ranisibani | Dutta, Mahadev |
21-Jun-2017 | On some new classes of orthogonal functions with special emphasis to polynomials | Prabha, Kanchan | Dutta, Mahadev |
28-Jul-2017 | On some problems of matter in different phases based on lattice structure | Chakrabarti, Asok Kumar | Dutta, Mahadev |
20-Jun-2017 | On some problems of mechanics of continuous media | Saha, Lal Mohan | Dutta, Mahadev |
21-Jun-2017 | Some problems of the theory of measures specially the probability measures | Ghosh, Sankar | Dutta, Mahadev |