Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dildar Ahmad
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
1-Jul-2014 | Chemical control of an Orchard Pest Myllocerus Sp its Bionomics and impact on the Biotic complex | Dar, Habib Ullah | Dildar Ahmad |
4-Mar-2016 | Investigations on Insect Pests of Apple Malus Sp in kashmir Valley Bio ecological and control studies | Bhat, Mohammad Rafiq | Dildar Ahmad |
4-Mar-2016 | Studies on Coccinellids of Kashmir their distribution Host range biology and economic importance | Bali, Ramesh Kumar | Dildar Ahmad |
7-Jul-2014 | Studies on the Bionomics and control of poplar leaf Beetle Chrysomela populi Linneaus Coleoptera Chrysomelidae A serious pest in Kashmir forests | Khan, Mohd. Ashraf | Dildar Ahmad |
7-Jul-2014 | Studies on the life history of Diachrysia Orichalcea Fabricius Lepidaptera Noctuidae and its Control through systematic Insecticides Chemosterilants and other chemicals | Trag, Abdul Rashid | Dildar Ahmad |