Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dhanasekaran, R

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6-May-2016Certain investigations and analysis of converters for pmbldc drive systemsPrakash, SDhanasekaran, R
11-Aug-2021Certain investigations of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images using texture features and machine learning methodsSudarson Rama Perumal, TDhanasekaran, R
16-Nov-2017Certain investigations on efficient capacitance computation bycomputational electromagneticsM, DhamodaranDhanasekaran, R
16-Nov-2017Certain investigations on feasibility and performance analysis of wireless industrial automationR, NagarajanDhanasekaran, R
19-Apr-2018Certain investigations on intermediate node selection using stable and secured routing in mobile AD HOC networkP, VigneshwaranDhanasekaran, R
20-Mar-2019Certain investigations on performance analysis of high step up converter for renewable energy systemsK, Radha LakshmiDhanasekaran, R
16-Nov-2017Certain investigations on torque ripple minimization in switched reluctance motor using front end capacitive converterS, MuthulakshmiDhanasekaran, R
21-Mar-2016Chloride VPE growth of GaN thin films and their characterisations with special emphasis on the nucleation kinetics and irradiation effectsVaradarajan, EDhanasekaran, R
8-Sep-2014Crystal growth and characterisation of thiocyanate and thiourea ligands based transition metal zn hg cd mn complexes for nonlinear optical applicationsPabitha, GDhanasekaran, R
17-Oct-2014Crystal growth of chalcopyrite ternary Semiconductors by cvt method and heavy Ions irradiation studies on cuinte2 and Aggas2 and characterizationPrabukanthan, PDhanasekaran, R
15-Mar-2018Development and evaluation of a quality model for aspect oriented software systemsS, Senthil VelanDhanasekaran, R
13-Sep-2021Efficient clustering based segmentation and machine learning classification approaches for mri brain tumor predictionMuthalakshmi, MDhanasekaran, R
7-Nov-2024Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coating as Heat Shield for Automotive Exhaust Components to Reduce Thermal Radiation Impact on Surrounding ComponentsDhanasekaran, RSrikari, S and Raja, R
21-Mar-2016Growth and characterisation of 3 methyl 4 nitro pyridine 1 oxide POM L pyrrolidone 2 carboxylic acid L PCA and meta nitroaniline mNA single crystals for SHG applicationsBoomadevi, SDhanasekaran, R
21-Mar-2016Growth and characterization of urea and benzophenone single crystalsT, RajalakshmiDhanasekaran, R
22-Mar-2016Growth of II VI I III VI and cdIn2s4 single crystals by chemical vapour transport ans their characterizationTafreshi, M JafarDhanasekaran, R
4-Mar-2016Investigation on the grain growth mechanism in P as and B doped polysilicon intrinsic polysilicon aluminium lead cadmium and Al2O3 ZrO2Kalainathan, SDhanasekaran, R
21-Mar-2016Investigations of gallium nitride on material processing electrical contacts thermal stability and radiation induced effectsKumar, M SenthilDhanasekaran, R
21-Mar-2016Investigations on the grain growth machanism in P As and B doped polysilicon intrinsic polysilicon aluminium lead cadmium and Al2O3 ZrO2Kalainathan, SDhanasekaran, R
22-Mar-2016Investigations on the growth kinetics of some binary and ternary III V compound semiconductors by liquid phase electroepitaxyFareed, RS QhalidDhanasekaran, R