Browsing by Researcher/Guide Devendra Kumar

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18-Jan-2023A Study of Work Stress and Job Satisfaction of High School Teachers of East Singhbhum District of JharkhandGondal, MonikaDevendra Kumar
18-Jan-2023A Study on Altruism of Secondary Level School Student in Western Uttar Pradesh in Relation to Their Socio Economic Status and SexSharma, Lokesh KumarDevendra Kumar
3-Jul-2020An Analysis Of Anxiety And Emotional Competency Of College Going StudentsGUL SNOBERDevendra Kumar
26-Dec-2018Bharat kee shanti evam suraksha ko parosi rasta bangaladesh kee chunoutiDevendra KumarPandey Satish Chandra
4-Dec-2023Changing agricultural land use pattern in Hamirpur district U P a geographical analysisDevendra KumarTamta, Prem Lal
15-Jan-2018Contribution of Abhiraja Rajendra Mishra to Post Independence Sanskrit Dramatic LiteratureDevendra KumarMohd. Sharif
6-Mar-2018Distribution and mapping of selected tree species in different forest types of lower Assam region of IndiaDevendra KumarUma Shankar
5-Jun-2014Effect of fluoride toxicity on the growth productivity and sterility bahaviour of wheat and chick peaChaudhary, Praveen KumarDevendra Kumar
13-Oct-2016Effect of fluoride toxicity on the growth yield and sterility behaviour of wheat triticum aestivum L and barley hordeum vulgare LSingh, NeetuDevendra Kumar
27-Oct-2014Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants of district MuzaffarnagarPrachiDevendra Kumar
27-Apr-2021Formation Characterization and Curing of Furan ResinsDevendra KumarPal, R S
19-Apr-2021Formation Characterization and Curing of Furan ResinsDevendra KumarPal, R S
9-Dec-2020Growth performance of Melia composita Willd and its allelopathic effect on under storey vegetation in different planting patternsVishwajeet SharmaDevendra Kumar
24-Mar-2020Growth performance of Melia composita Willd and its allelopathic effect on under storey vegetation in different planting patternsVishwajeet SharmaDevendra Kumar
6-Oct-2015Impact of agricultural extension system in changing socio economic status of the farmers in chhatisgarhDevendra KumarMehta, B K
30-Sep-2014Janpad bhagpat me krishko bhadalti khrish pravtee ka ek bhogolik adhayanDevendra KumarSingh, Kanchan
8-Mar-2022Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies on Some Uranyl ComplexesDevendra KumarGupta, K. C.
4-Jan-2023Livelihood Security Through Pigeonpea Based Intercropping Systems Under Rainfed ConditionDevendra KumarU D Awasthi
22-Aug-2014Meerut mein daliton ke sthitiDevendra KumarAaradhna
6-Jul-2022Mineral Nutrition of Selected Medicinal PlantsDevendra KumarSingh, A K and Afaq, S H